We are a family with three 'wee winkles' exploring the pleasures and perils of educating at home using Scripture, Montessori and a lot of love!

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Back from Cobram

Well we've been back for a while but when you've been away that long, things get a little crazy with sorting out the house and catching up with people so here is the last of our trip to Cobram.

Playing in the dirt....boys have cars and girls have tea sets. They set this up on their own and I thought it was too stereotypical not to share!

Playing in the Murray River

We did do some learning activities as well....

We did some playdough addition mats

And when I found this book about the colour red at the library we made several things out of it with red playdough as Cherry did a lot of work learning her colours while we were away.

And as all good Montessorians. there was practical life.
There was very little of the usual cleaning activities and things for the children to help with so Lamb ended up in the kitchen with me a lot. He is quite adept at cutting things like celery with a sharp knife now. If we were at home I probably wouldn't have let him!


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