We are a family with three 'wee winkles' exploring the pleasures and perils of educating at home using Scripture, Montessori and a lot of love!

Thursday 3 March 2011

Geometric Solids

I printed out the solid sorting cards that I got from Montessori Print Shop and Lamb was completely focussed on them, so much so that I thought "He really needs the solids". There was no money in the budget to spend more than $100 though so as I was wandering the aisles at Spotlight I spied a cone, an egg shape and balls made from polystyrene....
Then that polystyrene that I had stashed in the garage for 'crafts' suddenly had a use.
After fashioning them I thought they really needed a coat of paint.
Now polystyrene is quite temperamental. I'm not sure how long these will last so they are positioned on top of our shelves in order to stop Cherry from getting them down and being unable to resist the temptation to pull pieces from them. Nevertheless, they will do until I can come up with something better or afford the real thing.
On the shelf they look like this...
And for a grand total of $4 and about an hour and a half, I'm pretty happy with that...oh, and so is Lamb!

1 comment:

  1. Clever lady!! I never even thought of polystyrene - what a brilliant idea! Now I can stop moping about not being able to afford the solids and add this idea of yours to my to do list instead. Well done!
